授業報告 博物館コミュニケーション特論 III 第3回 10月22日

The museum communication class is a great experience and fun.  The teachers are quite friendly and supportive. We are total four students that have participated in the course of fall semester 2014: Mr. Kei Mieki, Ms. Abe Masumi, Ms. Nakashima and me (Mumahhad Usman). These days, we are working on the idea that some new wooden souvenirs should be included in the museum shop. In the today’s class, we shared our ideas about some of the important characteristics and features necessary for the museum goods. After the discussion, is has been decided that we will make two types of new souvenirs for the museum shop:  1) Cheap 2) Expensive.   For the cheap ones, the book page markers suggested by Ms. Abe Masumi have been selected. In the next class, we will mainly focus on two aspects; first, we will discuss and decide the expensive souvenir; second, we will also make questionnaires to conduct a survey, from the people visiting the museum, that what type of souvenirs they like and want to buy from the museum shop.

(Muhammad Usman / 2nd Grade Masters student, Space Geodesy Research Section, Department of Natural History Sciences, Graduate School of Sciences)



