授業報告 博物館コミュニケーション特論 III 第11回 12月6日

Talking about of museum goods, many of us give suggestions or feedback about it. Then, in this case, we decided to more focus on two products namely masking tape and candle. And coincidentally I joined on one product that is masking tape products. Based on the results of the demand survey, about 60% of people buy cassette masking, and it can be said that the need for masking ribbon is increasing. But the Masking Cassette is currently sold in stores, but not the original stuff from the Hokkaido University Museum. Therefore, we want to present the original goods of the museum. Then we design some items that of course give the identity of a museum like paleoanimal and bear. We chose both of these items because we think they are very indicated on the Hokkaido University and more than that to evoke an educational atmosphere in history or fossils. For the last meeting, there are some parts that we discussed and we also discuss with friends and Yuasa sensei like designs that include the colors inside. Many constructive inputs make this discussion more efficient. This product is one of the best products of the previous products offered. Given the public interest that tends to increase and then this product can also provide education in terms of introduction of fossils and museums Hokkaido in general so we think it is very relevant to be realized.
Erlan Sumanjaya(Department of Natural History Sciences, Graduate School of Science)

Masking tape group

Candle group