【1月15日必着】教員の公募について / Position Open: Professor or Associate Professor

国立大学法人北海道大学総合博物館 研究部博物館教育・メディア研究系 教授又は准教授の公募について



1.募集⼈員︓北海道⼤学総合博物館 研究部博物館教育・メディア系 教授または准教授 1 名

2.任 期︓令和6年4⽉1⽇以降速やかに〜令和8年3⽉ 31 ⽇まで

3.専⾨分野︓ 博物館学、とくに博物館教育学に造詣が深いことが望ましい。

(1) 運 営 学内外の各種委員会の担当。北海道⼤学総合博物館の各種業務。
(2) 教 育 全学教育および学芸員養成課程の兼担。⼤学院教育を兼担することがある。
(3) 研 究 博物館学に関する研究。北海道⼤学の他部局との連携した研究の促進。国内外研究機関との共同研究。
(4) 社会貢献 博物館ボランティア活動のマネジメント、担当や⽀援。展⽰やセミナーなどのイベントの企画・運営。他博物館や⾃治体との連携活動。

5. 応募資格︓
(1) 博⼠の学位を有するか採⽤予定時までに取得⾒込みであること。
(2) 博物館活動に⼀定の知識・理解と経験を有すること。
(3) 学芸員資格を有することが望ましい。
(4) 博物館活動に⽀障のない程度の⽇本語能⼒を有すること。
(5) ⼤学院において英語による講義・演習を担当できること。

6.採⽤時期︓令和6年4⽉ 1 ⽇以降のできるだけ早い時期


8.給 与︓国⽴⼤学法⼈北海道⼤学年俸制教員給与規程による

9.勤務形態︓専⾨業務型裁量労働制を適⽤ ※1⽇に7時間45分労働したものとみなす




(3)代表的な研究論⽂(5 編)の別刷またはコピー 各 1 部
(4)現在までの研究歴・研究業績の概要と今後の研究の抱負(3、000 字程度)
(6)博物館活動についての抱負(2、000 字程度)
(7)参考意⾒を伺える⽅ 2 名の⽒名と連絡先(ただし、応募者は照会者に連絡をとる必要はない)

14.提出期限︓令和6年 1 ⽉ 15 ⽇(⽉曜⽇)必着

(1)メールの場合 上記(1)〜(7)を PDFにてmuseum@jimu.hokudai.ac.jpに送信してください。
(注) 件名に「総合博物館教員応募」と記載すること。
(2) 郵送の場合 〒060-0810 札幌市北区北 10 条⻄ 8 丁⽬ 北海道⼤学総合博物館事務室気付
北海道⼤学総合博物館教員選考委員会委員⻑ 坪⽥ 敏男
(注) ・封筒表⾯に「総合博物館教員応募」と朱書きし書留等で送付すること。

電話︓011-706-2658 FAX︓011-706-4029
E メール︓museum@jimu.hokudai.ac.jp


18.備 考︓
(1) 北海道⼤学では、多様な⼈材による教育・研究活動の推進、男⼥共同参画推進や国際化の
(2) 北海道⼤学総合博物館は「社会に開かれた⼤学の窓⼝」として北海道⼤学の広報の⼀翼を
(3) 北海道⼤学総合博物館の HP の URL は以下のとおり。


北海道⼤学 総合博物館 研究部構成員(専⾨分野)(令和5年 12 ⽉現在)
館⻑︓ 教 授 坪⽥ 敏男 (野⽣動物医学)
資料基礎研究系︓ 教 授 ⼤原 昌宏 (昆⾍分類学)
准教授 阿部 剛史 (海藻系統分類学)
助 教 ⽥城 ⽂⼈ (⿂類分類学)
助 教 ⾸藤光太郎 (植物体系学)
資料開発研究系︓ 教 授 ⼩林 快次 (古脊椎動物学)
教 授 江⽥ 真毅 (動物考古学)
助 教 北野 ⼀平 (岩⽯鉱物鉱床学)
教 授 (博物館教育学︓本公募)(English follows the Japanese)



Position Open: Professor or Associate Professor,
The Hokkaido University Museum, Hokkaido University

[PDF English) ]

The Hokkaido University Museum invites applications for its position of Professor or Associate Professor.

1. Number of Vacancies and Position:
One. Professor or Associate Professor in the Division of Museum Education and Media
Studies, the Hokkaido University Museum
2. Term of Employment:
From the date of hire to March 31, 2026. No plans to reappointment.
3. Research Field:
Studies on museology, a deep knowledge of museum education is required.
4. Duties and Responsibilities:
・Operation: duties related to various committees inside and outside the University;
various operational duties in the Hokkaido University Museum.
・Education: teaching in General Education Courses and Curator Training Courses; may
become concurrently appointed as a faculty member of graduate school or teach
undergraduate students.
・Research: research on museology; promotion of research collaborations with other
departments within the University; joint research with other domestic or international
research institutes.
・Outreach: management of museum volunteers; planning and management of museum
events including exhibitions and seminars; collaborative activities with other museums
and regional governments;

5. Qualifications:
(1) Must have or is expected to have a doctorate degree or Ph.D. by the start date.
(2) Must have knowledge, understanding and experience in museum activities.
(3) Having a Curatorial Certificate is preferred.
(4) Foreign applicant must be fluent in Japanese enough to conduct museum activities.
(5) Must be able to give course instructions and seminars in English for graduate
6. Expected Start Date:
April 1, 2024 or at the earliest date possible thereafter

7. Probation Period:
Applicable (three months)
8. Salary:
Determined in accordance with the National University Corporation Hokkaido University
Salary Regulations for Faculty Subject To Annual Salary System.
9. Working Hours:
Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work is applied.
Note: Scheduled working hours per day are 7 hours and 45 minutes.

10. Health and Other Social Insurance:
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid
Association Health Insurance; Employees’ Pension; Industrial Accident Compensation
Insurance; and Employment Insurance

11. Name of Recruiting Organization:
National University Corporation Hokkaido University
12. Measures Against Secondhand Smoke:
No smoking on campus except for designated outside smoking areas.
13. Application Materials:
(1) Curriculum Vitae: Free format with a photo attached. Must include name, date of
birth, current address, contact information (e-mail address and phone number, etc.),
academic history since high school, employment history, name(s) of degree-awarding
organization(s), date(s) of degree conferral, title of doctoral dissertation, awards, and
disciplinary actions.
Note: Provide all details if the applicant has ever been employed by Hokkaido
University (for any position including Part-time Lecture, TA, TF, RA and Short-Term
Support Assistant, etc.) on or after April 1, 2013.
(2) List of research achievements:
original papers, symposium proceedings, authored books, reviews, patents and others
including writing for the general public. For each paper, it must be indicated whether
they are peer-reviewed, and the name of corresponding author must be included. If the
paper is accepted or in press, attach an acceptance certificate.
(3) One offprint or photocopy each of representative papers (five papers)
(4) Summary of research history and achievements to date, and future aspirations in
research (about 3 pages in A4 format)
(5) List of other accomplishments: experience in teaching or providing educational
assistance in universities, etc., educational outreach to society, work in affiliated
academic societies, and list of competitive grants acquired, etc.
(6) Aspirations for the role and activities of the Museum (about 2 pages in A4 format)
(7) The names and contact information of two references who can speak to the
applicant’s skills and abilities (it is not necessary for the applicant to inform them).
14. Application Deadline:
Monday, January 15, 2024 (JST). Late submission will not be accepted for any reasons.
15. Where to Submit:
1) By e-mail
Please send (1) to (7) above as a PDF to museum@jimu.hokudai.ac.jp.
Note: (i) Write “Application for Museum Staff” in the subject line.
(ii)We will contact you within 5 days of receipt. If you do not hear from us, please
contact us.
(iii) All application materials will be used only for the purpose of candidate
selection and properly destroyed and disposed of after the selection.
2) By postal mail
Prof. Toshio Tsubota
Head of the Personnel Commission
Administration Office, the Hokkaido University Museum
Kita 10 Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0810 Japan
Note: (i) Please write “Application for Museum Staff” in red on the envelope and
send by “Kakitome” (insured registered mail) via Japan Post or its equivalent.
(ii) All application materials will be used only for the purpose of candidate
selection and properly destroyed and disposed of after the selection.
16. Inquiries
Administration Office
The Hokkaido University Museum
Phone: +81-11-706-2658, Fax: +81-11-706-4029
E-mail: museum@jimu.hokudai.ac.jp
17. Selection Method:
The selection will be made based on application review. The Museum may make
inquiry to the applicant or request an interview during the process. The applicant shall
bear any cost incurred related to the interview.
18. Remarks:
(1) Hokkaido University is committed to creating an environment for education and
research with diverse talent, achieving gender equality and equity, and fostering
internationalization. We strongly invite applications from women and international
researchers (those whose nationality is not Japanese).
(2) The Hokkaido University Museum is an organization that plays a role in the public
relations of Hokkaido University as a “university window open to society”.
(3) The website of the Hokkaido University Museum is as follows:
