【11月1日必着】教員の公募について / Faculty Recruitment: An Assistant Professor

(English follows the Japanese)

国立大学法人北海道大学総合博物館 研究部資料基礎研究系助教の公募について



1. 募集人員:

北海道大学総合博物館 研究部資料基礎研究系 助教1名

2. 任期:


3. 専門分野:


4. 職務内容:


5. 応募資格:

(1) 博士の学位を有するか採用予定時までに取得見込みであること。
(2) 博物館学及び博物館活動に一定の知識・理解と経験を有すること。
(3) 学芸員資格を有することが望ましい。
(4) 外国人の場合,博物館活動に支障のない程度の日本語能力を有すること。
(5) 大学院において英語による講義・演習を担当できること。

6. 採用時期:


7. 試用期間:


8. 給与:


9. 勤務形態:

専門業務型裁量労働制を適用 ※1日に7時間45分労働したものとみなす





12. 提出書類:

(3) 代表的な研究論文(5編)の別刷またはコピー 各1部
(4) 現在までの研究歴・研究業績の概要と今後の研究の抱負(3,000字程度)
(7) 参考意見を伺える方2名の氏名と連絡先(ただし,応募者は照会者に連絡をとる必要はない)

13. 提出期限:


14. 応募書類の提出先:

〒060-0810 札幌市北区北10条西8丁目
北海道大学総合博物館教員選考委員会委員長 中川光弘
(注) ・封筒表面に「総合博物館教員応募」と朱書きし書留等で送付すること。

15. 本公募の照会先:

電話:011-706-2658 FAX:011-706-4029




(1) 北海道大学では,多様な人材による教育・研究活動の推進,男女共同参画推進に努めており,女性の積極的な応募を歓迎する。
(2) 北海道大学総合博物館のHPのURLは以下のとおり。

北海道大学 総合博物館
館長:   教 授  中川 光弘 (火山学)
資料基礎研究系:  特任教授 高橋 英樹 (植物体系学,平成31年3月31日退職予定:本公募)
教 授  大原 昌宏 (昆虫分類学)
講 師  阿部 剛史 (海藻系統分類学)
助 教  田城 文人 (魚類分類学)
資料開発研究系:  准教授  小林 快次 (古脊椎動物学)
准教授  山本 順司 (地球化学)
講 師  江田 真毅 (動物考古学)
教 授  湯浅 万紀子(博物館教育学)
助 教  山下 俊介 (映像資料学)

Faculty Recruitment:
An Assistant Professor in the Hokkaido University Museum, Hokkaido University


We invite applications for the position of Assistant Professor, in the Hokkaido University Museum, Hokkaido University.

1. Position:

Assistant Professor in the Division of Research.

2. Term:

A 5-year term, a possible 5-year re-appointment. The review for his/her accomplishments and achievements should be required before the 10-year term to move to a permanent position.

3. Research Field Requested:

Biodiversity study based on botanical specimen

4. Job Details (duties, subject responsible for, etc):

・Research and education that utilize academic specimens and resources.
・Management of academic specimens and the database.
・Museum and outreach activities through exhibitions, seminars, and other media.
・Supports for the activities of museum volunteer.
・He/she belong to any Graduate School concurrently with the museum and will give lectures in the Graduate School.
・He/she will teach general education and curator training courses.

5. Qualifications:

(1) Applicants are required to have or will have a doctoral degree or Ph.D. prior to the appointment date.
(2) Applicants must have the knowledge and experience of museology and museum activities.
(3) It is desirable to have the qualification of the curator.
(4) Foreign applicants must have the ability of Japanese language for museum activities.
(5) Applicants are expected to give lectures in English in the Graduate School.

6. Desired Starting Date:

April 1, 2019 or as close as possible.

7. Probation Period:

The probation period is three months

8. Salary:

The salary will be determined in accordance with the regulations of Hokkaido University.

9. Working Form;

Discretionary labor system for professional work
*The working hours for a day is deemed as 7 hours and 45 minutes.

10. Health Insurance

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association, Employees Pension, Workers’ Accident Compensation Insurance and Employment Insurance

11. Name of Recruiting Institution:

Hokkaido University

12. Application Materials:

(1) Curriculum Vitae (free format with an attached photo), including name, birth date, present address, contact information (e-mail, phone etc.), educational background since the graduation of high school, employment career, the title of Doctor thesis (with date and organization), rewards and punishments, and so on.
*Applicant who has been employed by Hokkaido University from April 1, 2013 (any positions, including Part-time Lecture, TA, TF, RA and Short-term Support Assistant, etc.) should provide full details of your employment history.
(2) List of accomplishments and achievements (original papers, books, reviews and others). The papers must be specified according to with/without peer review. The corresponding author of each paper should be indicated. If the publication is in press, attach the certification of the publication.
(3) Offprints or photocopies of representative publications (five papers).
(4) Description of research achievements and future research plan (about 3 pages in A4 format).
(5) List of others: teaching experience, activities in academic societies, list of competitive research grants, experience of museum and related activities, public contributions, etc.
(6) Aspirations for museum activities (about 2 pages in A4 format).
(7) A list of two references (The applicant does not contact them).

13. Application Deadline:

November 1 (Thursday), 2018(JST). Late application will not be accepted for any reasons.

14. Application

Head of the Personnel Commission
Prof. Mitsuhiro Nakagawa
Administration office, the Hokkaido University Museum
Kita 10 Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0810 Japan

*Application materials must be submitted by registered mail with “Application for Assistant Professor” in red ink on the front face of envelope.
**All application materials will be only used for the purpose of selection and strictly scraped after the selection.

15. Inquiries

The administration office
The Hokkaido University Museum
Phone: +81-11-706-2568, Fax: +81-11-706-4029
E-mail: museum@jimu.hokudai.ac.jp

16. Selection process:

The selection will be made based on application review. During the procedure, we will ask some of candidates. In addition, candidates will be notified once a decision has been made that a face-to-face interview must be conducted. It is noted that travel costs are not covered for interview attendees.

17. Remarks:

(1) We explicitly invite women qualified in the research field to apply.
(2) The website of the Hokkaido University Museum is as follows: