公衆無線LANサービスがご利用いただけます/Free Wi-Fi service available.

(English follows the Japanese)

総合博物館でfree Wi-Fiがご利用頂けます。

SSID: Sapporo_City_Wi-Fi

サービスエリア:総合博物館1F ラウンジ・カフェ・ショップ


電話 0570-015-152(9:00~18:00)


Sapporo City Wi-Fi, a public wireless LAN service for tourists visiting Japan from abroad, is available. Use your smartphone or other Internet-connected device to access our portal site (available in five languages: English, traditional and simplified Chinese, Korean, and Thai), and then simply enter your e-mail address to register and connect to the Internet.

In addition to this service, we are taking part in the “Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi” free local-area Wi-Fi hotspot search app project for tourists from abroad, which is put out by the NTT Broadband platform. Customers who create an account through this app can easily make use of Internet access available through Sapporo City Wi-Fi areas as well as other free Wi-Fi hotspots offered by NTT Broadband.

SSID : Sapporo_City-Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi Areas : museum cafe, souvenir shop, lounge (1F)

How to use, please click here.