Korean: (Ohara and Paik, 1998).

Key to the genera of the subfamily Saprininae

1 (2) Surface of elytra impunctate. Prosternal keel strongly narrow. .................... Genus Eopachylopus Reichardt

2 (1) Surface of elytra punctate posteriorly. Prosternal keel broad and flat at top.

3 (6) Prosternal keel with a pair of small foveae on apical one-third. Body length, 2.0 - 4.0 mm.

4 (5) Frontal disk of head with 1 or 2 transverse impressions, or with irregular transverse rugae; its anterior transverse margin strongly impressed and straight. ................... Genus Hypocaccus Thomson

5 (4) Frontal disk of head usually with light punctation or weak rugae, without strongly transverse impression; its anterior transverse margin lightly impressed, usually partly arcuate, and sometimes interrupted. ............ Genus Hypocacculus Bickhardt

6 (3) Prosternal keel without small foveae. Body length, 4.6 - 8.6 mm. ..................... Genus Saprinus Erichson
