Silinus pinnigerus (Lewis, 1898)

Platysoma pinnigerus Lewis, 1898: 160.
Platylister pinniger: Lewis, 1905d: 14.
Silinus pinnigerus: Lewis, 1907c: 343; Mazur, 1999: 62.

Original description (Lewis, 1898). "Elongatum, subparallelum, convexum, nigrum, nitidum; fronte impressa, stria integra, pronoto disco bipunctato, stria marginali lateralibus valida, antice integra, basi in medio vix interrupta; elytris striis 1 ­ 3 integris, 4 ­ 5 dimidiatis; propygidio pygidioque planis, punctatis; prosterno angustato haud striato; mesosterno emarginato, stria marginali integra; tibiis late dilatatis. L. 7.1/2 mill.
Elongate, somewhat parallel, convex, black and shining; the head smooth, stria well-marked over the eyes, complete anteriorly, but fine and irregular, sinuous in the middle, impressed anteriorly; the thorax, marginal stria strong at the sides, fine but complete behind the head, and at the base it is continued until it is narrowly interrupted before the scutellum, on the disc are two small but very distinct punctures, which with the antescutellar point form a triangular arrangement, thus ­­ ; the elytra, the epipleura striae are cariniform and complete, humeral short, fine, and oblique, striae 1 ­ 3 strong and complete, 4 apical and dimidiate, 5 similar but a little shorter; the propygidium and pygidium are flat and rather densely punctate; the prosternum impunctate, keel narrow except at the base; the mesosternum emarginate anteriorly, marginal stria complete and well defined; the tibiae are all greatly dilated, anterior pair 4-dentate, intermediate and posterior 4-spinose.
Platysoma palmipes, Lew., and P. extrarium, Lew., are somewhat similar to the species above, but they are less elongate. In P. palmipes the tarsi are short, but in P. extrarium and P. pinnigerum they are of normal length and not very dissimilar to those of P. ovatum, Er.
Hab. Lawang, East Java.
Distribution. Java.

