Platysoma (Platylister) robertstorfi Lewis, 1885

Platysoma (Platylister) robertstorfi Lewis, 1885: 460.

Platylister roeperstorfii (sic!): Lewis, 1905d: 14.

Distribution. Andaman Is.

Original descripton. "Oblongum, subparallelum, nigro-piceum, nitidum; fronte concava, stria integra; elytris striis 3 primis dorsalibus integris, 4 ­ 5 dimidiatis, suturali ultra medium abbreviata; pygidio margine elevato, aequaliter punctato. L. 3.1/2 mill.

Hab. Andaman Islands.

This species is closely allied to P. striale from Celebes; it is, however, smaller, with head less transverse, the fourth and fifth striae run to the middle of the elytra, and the margin of the pygidium is less elevated. It is named after our late Resident at Port Blow, by whom it was taken abundantly on several occasions."
