Eretmotus alluaudi Théry, 1925

Eretmotus alluaudi Théry, 1925; Lackner & Yélamos, 2001: 101 [Morocco].

Lackner and Yélamos (2001).

Morocco: New records: 55 ex., Morocco central, High Atlas, OukaÅEeden env., 2.800 m, 19-20.5. 2000, T. Lackner leg.; 1 ex., High Atlas, Tizi-n-Melloul, Djebel Siroua, 2.506 m, 20.4.2001, C. Hernando leg.

It is only known from the High Atlas, living in nests of Aphaenogaster, sometimes together with Sternocoelis berberus.

Distribution. Morocco.
