Onthophilus silvae Lewis, 1884

Onthophilus silvae: Kryzhanovskij, 1989, 305 [Russia: Primorskij]; Ohara, 1994, 83; Zhou & Luo, 2001: 509 [China: Beijing].

Specimens examined [additional records]. (Ohara, 1999).

[Hokkaido] Proper: Okusawa-suigenchi, Otaru (2 exs., 28/vi; 3 exs., 12/vii/1996, from a nest of ant, Lasius (Dendrolasius) fuliginosus), M. Ohara; Nagahasi-naebo-koen, Otaru (1 ex., 12/v/1997, from a nest of ant, Lasius (Dendrolasius) spathepus), M. Ohara; Iseki-koen, Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (5 exs., 23/v/1997, hand picking form a nest of ant, Lasius (Dendrolasius) fuliginosus), M. Ohara and K. Mizota; Yahata, Kutchan (6 exs., 19/viii/1994, from a nest of ant, Lasius (Dendrolasius) spathepus), M. Ohara; Utasai, Kuromatsunai (3 exs., vi/1996, from a nest of ant, Lasius (Dendrolasius) fuliginosus), M. Ohara.

[Honsho] Kanagawa-ken: Masukata-yama, Tama-ku, Kawasaki (25 exs., 15/vi; 2 exs., 14/vii/1996, from nest of Lasius (Dendrolasius) fuliginosus), K. Kawada.

Zhou & Luo (2001: 509)

4. Onthophilus silvae Lewis 1884, new record from China
Onthophilus silvae Lewis 1884: 139 (Japan); Reichardt 1933: 143; Mazur 1997: 8 (catalogued).
Syn.: Scolytus silvae: Jakobson 1911: 652.
Distributions: China (Beijing), Japan.
Specimens Examined: 1 ex., Beijing: Xiaolongmen Research Station (39°58¢N, 115°25¢E), 1225 m, 19-21. VII. 1999, collected by Tian-hong Lou.
Remarks: Before this study, O. silvae was recorded from Japan and Russia (Far East). This is the first time it is reported from China. In a forest habitat of mixed deciduous trees, about 140 km west to Beijing, we collected this species using decaying meat as baits. This method was used together with pitfall traps in 16 different forest habitats in this area, but only in one we found one O. silvae and about several hundreds of O. foveipennis. Thus, O. silvae may be a much rare species and have same habitat preference with O. foveipennis.. One specimen, determined by Y. Miwa, was compared with the Chinese specimen.

Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu); Primorskij Kray; China.
