Onthophilus heilongjiangensis Li, 1993

Onthophilus heilongjiangensis Li, 1993 in Li and Cheng, 1993: 115-116 [China: Heilongjiang]; Mazur, 1997: 8.

According to Zhou and Luo (2001: 513), O. heilongjiangensis may be a sysnoym of O. foveipennis Lewis.

Zhou and Luo (2001: 513)

7. Onthophilus heilongjiangensis Li 1993
Onthophilus heilongjiangensis Li, 1993, in Li and Cheng 1993: 115-116 (Heilongjiang); Mazur 1997: 8 (catalogued).
Distribution: China (Heilongjiang).
Remarks: Li published this species in a book in Chinese (Li and Cheng 1993), based on a single female from Heilongjiang, a province of China, near the border with Russia. According to his description in Chinese, this species may be a synonym of O. foveipennis Lewis, which occurs in Russia (Amurskiy Kray) and north China. The type was not available for comparison. Thus, this species is not included in the key to species above.

Distribution. China (Heilongjiang).
