Onthophilus foveipennis Lewis, 1885

Onthophilus foveipennis Lewis, 1885: 472 [Amurskiy Kray]; Reitter, 1889: 566 [Gansu]; Reichardt, 1933: 141; Mazur, 1997: 8; Zhou & Luo, 2001: 508.

Zhou & Luo (2001: 508)

1. Onthophilus foveipennis Lewis 1885
Onthophilus foveipennis Lewis 1885: 472 (Amurskiy Kray); Reitter 1889: 566 (Gansu); Reichardt 1933: 141; Mazur 1997: 8 (catalogued).
Syn..: Scolytus foveipennis: Jakobson 1911: 652.
Distribution: China (Gansu, Beijing); Russia (Amurskiy Kray).
Specimens Examined: 54 __,50 __ and 62 exs., 22-25. September 1998; 3 __,3 __, 28.April ­1.May 1999; 4 __,6 __ and 25 exs., 22-23. May 1999; 1 ex., 25-28. June 1999; 17 exs., 27-30. August 1999; 24 __,30 __ and 54 exs., 21-24. September 1999; 1 ex., 27-30. October 1998; collected at Xiaolongmen Research Station (39°58¢N, 115°25¢E; 1225 m), about 140 km west of Beijing, by Xiao-dong Yu.
Remarks: In a forest habitat of mixed deciduous trees, a lot of specimens were collected by pitfall traps. In the studied area, adults of this beetle species occur from April to October, and exhibit the highest abundance in September. Morphological variation occurs in pronotal costae. Some specimens have a much reduced costae on pronotum, so it is not easy to observe their costa patterns and distinguish them from the species which have no costae on pronotum.

Distribution. China (Gansu, Beijing); Russia (Amurskiy Kary).
