Anapleus nomurai M. Ohara, 1994

Japanese name: Okayama-tsubu-emma-mushi.

Almost agrees with Anapleus nakanei, but differs by the following characters: punctation on pronotum and elytra deeper (Fig. 86C, D) than in nakanei; lateral sides of elytra not elevated; punctation of intercoxal disk of meso-, and metasternal and 1st abdominal sternum sparse, coarse and very deep, with fine punctures intermingled (Fig. 87B, C).

Body length, PPL, 2.09 - 2.13 mm (2.11 ± 0.01, n=2), PEL, 1.89 - 12.93 mm (1.91 ± 0.01, n=2). Width, 1.44 - 1.56 mm (1.50 ± 0.04, n=2). Biometric data are given in Table 26.

Table 26. Biometric data of Anapleus nomurai M. Ôhara.


APW 0.53-0.59 (0.56±0.02) 2

PPW 1.18-1.28 (1.23±0.03) 2

PL 0.57-0.61 (0.59±0.01) 2

EL 1.22-1.26 (1.24±0.01) 2

EW 1.44-1.56 (1.50±0.04) 2

ProW 0.67-0.71 (0.69±0.01) 2

ProL 0.24 (0.24) 2

PyL 0.33-0.35 (0.34±0.01) 2

PTL 0.51-0.55 (0.53±0.01) 2

MSTL 0.51 (0.51) 2

MTTL 0.51-0.59 (0.55±0.03) 2


Remarks. This species is strikingly similar to A. nakanei, but can be distinguished easily by having two kinds of punctures on the meso- and metasterna.

This species seems to live in the litter.


Specimens examined (Ohara, 1994).

Holotype, 1Åä, Yoshino-yama, Nara-ken, Honshû, Japan, 27/v/1985, S. Nomura leg. (EIHU). Paratype, 1Åä, Ikura-nimi-shi, Okayama-ken, Honshû, 21/v/1985, S. Nomura leg.

Male genitalisa [Okayama, Honshu, Japan: spceimens no. MO-02-006, deposited in Ehime University Collection]


Distribution. Japan (Honshu).
